
Alexandra DeSanctis

Why We Can’t Talk about Abortion

It’s easier to defend “women’s health care” than a right to kill Since I graduated from Notre Dame, I’ve spent…

Ramifications of the Land O’ Lakes Statement

Alexandra DeSanctis discusses the impact and shortcomings of the Land O’ Lakes Statement

Abortion Must Change our Lives

Executive Editor Emeritus Alexandra DeSanctis discusses the importance of doing everything possible to fight to protect the unborn

The Unplanned Life

Reflecting on the value of surprises at Notre Dame

Will Notre Dame Expand to China?

Student Union Senate passes resolutions requesting administrative transparency on potential joint campus with Zhejiang University

Never Abandon Our Lady

Alexandra DeSanctis reflects on her time at Notre Dame and the intrinsic Catholic nature of the University.

Rover Food Review: Bell’s Brewery visits Notre Dame

Rohr’s hosts Bites and Brews night for local community and students

Skipping Out on Education

Alexandra DeSanctis on the need for students to care about their education and the core curriculum

First-year Students Divided on Value of First Year Experience

Freshman discuss the successes and failures of the course as second semester begins

Core Curriculum Review Recommendations Released

Draft report circulated to university faculty and students by Core Curriculum Review Committee