
Catholic mission

Notre Dame’s Defining Character

Those who know Notre Dame, no explanation is necessary. Those who don’t, no explanation will suffice.”  -Lou Holtz

Let’s Argue

The telos, or end, of a university, what makes it different from a Scout summer camp, Bell Labs, Human Rights…

Ex Corde Ecclesiae and Catholic Students of Today

John Paul II opened his apostolic constitution on Catholic universities, Ex Corde Ecclesiae, in dramatic fashion. Issued on the Feast…

The Heart of the Rover

In her last editorial as editor-in-chief, Sophia Buono reflects upon Notre Dame’s Catholic mission and the ‘s goal of promoting such a mission.

The Catholic Ideal and Action: A United Mission

Sophia Buono discusses the challenge of integrating Notre Dame’s Catholic mission into all aspects of Notre Dame.

Students React to Laetare Medal Decision

Debate over consistency with university’s Catholic identity

Thanks for the Memories

Tim Bradley’s last editorial as Editor-in-Chief

Never Abandon Our Lady

Alexandra DeSanctis reflects on her time at Notre Dame and the intrinsic Catholic nature of the University.

The Place for Faith: Catholicism in the Liberal Arts

Lilia Draime on the decline in numbers of Catholic faculty at Notre Dame

Political Clubs And Catholic Mission

A look at the mission statements of student political student groups at Notre Dame