

Et in Arcadia Sancti

Evelyn Waugh famously called “Et in Arcadia Ego” the first long section of Brideshead Revisited.

Who’s Who: Cedar Grove Cemetery

An inside look into the operations, staff, and mission of the university’s cemetery

The Rover Reviews: All Quiet on the Western Front

 20th Century Horrors Meet 21st Century Cinematics

Panel of Notre Dame professors defend “abortion rights”

Gender Studies Department and Irish 4 Reproductive Health fear a reversal of Roe

Endangered triple-major freshmen facing extinction in stressful finals environment

Freshmen are coming to Notre Dame with vast dreams of exploring everything in their education, only to have these dreams obliterated a week before heading home for the holidays

Learning from Innocence

Professor of Economics Kirk Doran advises about the challenges and joys of raising a family