America’s biggest enemy is a self-created product of the government’s wastefulness that will internally destroy the country. The problem is the $16 trillion national debt.

The issue is daunting but a solution is possible. Turning Point USA is a new organization at Notre Dame designed to confront national debt crisis and subsequently promote fiscal responsibility.

Why does this matter?  Why is this issue more serious than a nuclear Iran?  The answer is simple: The government will eventually run out of money.  The Congressional Budget Office has stated that the Medicare Trust Fund will go bankrupt in 2022; Social Security will follow suit in 2049.

These programs are in desperate need of reform, but our politicians are too afraid of political fallout to actually offer solutions.  Washington’s spending addiction has been going on for years and unless it is stopped, the United States government will eventually cease to function.

For many students, this is not a relevant issue. ‘I’m in college,’ they remark.  ‘Why should I care?’

In reality, students should care more.  According to the CBO, if the national debt were to be divided between each taxpayer, each and every taxpayer would owe the government $140,000.  Add the debt that the average student will accumulate from college tuition and the problem becomes evident.

The worst part about this is that many of our current politicians escape this fiasco. Many current politicians will have passed away before the debt will begin to be paid; consequently, it will be placed on the back of the younger generations – people who owed interest on our debt before they could even vote.

Turning Point has created a term for this reality, dubbing it “generational theft”.  In generational theft, older generations going on a massive spending spree and forcing the younger generations (including ours) to pay for it.

Generational theft is something that should enrage every student regardless of political affiliation.  Why should today’s youth be solely responsible for our government’s reckless spending?  Why not hold current politicians accountable?  However, time is running out and action must soon be taken.

Turning Point aims to take action.  The organization’s sole focus is fiscal responsibility; consequently, it’s message will be clear and its’ impact strong.

Utilizing a two-fold method, Turning Point aims to stir the current political arena.  First, the organization will support politicians who promote fiscal sanity.  Second, Turning Point will attempt to bring influential speakers to campus to speak to students about fiscal issues.

Turning Point’s goal is to educate students about the problems created by excessive government spending.  Through education, Turning Points will empower young adults to fight for fiscal responsibility and tell politicians to stop destroying their future before it is too late.

Raymond Michuda is a freshman engineering major despite his love of political science. He is the founder of the Notre Dame chapter of Turning Point USA and is always willing to have a good debate. Please feel free to contact him at