Fall 2024 Course Recommendations

The following courses are recommended on the basis of the professor’s demonstrated commitment to Catholic education and the positive experiences of the Rover staff. This is by no means a complete list of every excellent class offered in the upcoming fall semester, but we hope that this will provide readers with a starting point as they prepare to register for classes.

College of Arts and Letters

Art History

  • Rome: The Eternal City, Heather Minor (ARHI 20540)
  • Building Europe: 1600-1750, Heather Minor (ARHI 30375)


  • Intermediate Latin, Elizabeth and Tadeusz Mazurek (CLLA 20003, 01–02)
  • Ancient Heroes, Aldo Tagliabue (CLAS 20350)
  • Age of Nero, Elizabeth Mazurek (CLLA 20500)
  • Intro to Christian Latin Texts, Hildegund Muller (CLLA 400160)
  • Greek Survey I, Aldo Tagliabus (CLGR 40510)

College Seminar

  • Image and Truth, Therese Cory (CSEM 23101)

Constitutional Studies

  • Economics, Politics, and Justice, Luke Foster (CNST 30645)
  • Core Texts in Constitutional Government I, Susan Collins (CNST 30700)


  • Introduction to Microeconomics, Kirk Doran (ECON 10010)
  • Economy, Divine, and Human, Kirk Doran (ECON 30160, THEO 40648)


  • C.S. Lewis, Critic and Author, Jason Baxter (ENGL 20560)


  • Humor Through the Ages, Fr. Gregory Haake (ROFR 30710)


  • Gregorian Chant in Roman Rite, Peter Jeffery (SACM 40101)


  • Introduction to Philosophy, Therese and David Cory (PHIL 10101, 01–03)
  • Introduction to Philosophy: Aesthetics, Nicholas Teh (PHIL 10107)
  • Honors Philosophy Seminar, Sean Kelsey (PHIL 13195)
  • Augustine’s Confessions, David Cory (PHIL 20206)
  • The Stained Imagination, David O’Connor (PHIL 20211)

Political Science 

  • Liberalism and Conservatism, Patrick Deneen (POLS 30664)
  • Catholicism and Politics, Daniel Philpott (POLS 30654)
  • Church/State/American Constitution, Phillip Muñoz (POLS 30662)
  • Constitutionalism Law & Politics II, Christina Bambrick (POLS 30665)

Program of Liberal Studies

  • Philosophical Inquiry, Felicitas Munzel (PLS 20301)
  • Scientific Inquiry: Past and Present, Tom Stapleford (PLS 30412)


  • Foundations of Theology, Kevin Grove, Anthony Pagliarini, Nathan Eubank, Leonard DeLorenzo (THEO 1000)
  • Nuptial Mystery, Tim O’Malley (THEO 20425)
  • Islam and Christian Theology, Gabriel Reynolds (THEO 20830)
  • Faith and Science: Toward a Relational Unity, Christopher Baglow (THEO 20896)
  • Science, Theology, and Creation, Terrence Ehrman (THEO 20888)
  • Christian Theological Traditions I, Katie Cavadini, John Cavadini (THEO 40201)
  • Religion and Literature, Cyril O’Regan (THEO 40823)
  • Dante I, Laura Banella (THEO 40212)
  • Death, Jay Martin (THEO 40883)

Mendoza College of Business 

  • Business and the Common Good, David O’Connor (BES 30310)
  • Honors, Ethics, and Business, Mary Hirschfeld (BES 20702)
  • Corporate Gov and Catholic Social Teaching, Martijn Cremers Craig Iffland, Tess Geishauser (BES 40470)
  • Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Laura Hollis (MGTO/BAEG 30500)
  • Business Law Concepts, Laura Hollis (BAWL/BAUG 30100)
  • Management Competencies, Laura Hollis (MGTO 30200)
  • Why Business, James Otteson (BES 30795)

College of Engineering 

  • Aerospace Structures, Mike Seelinger (AME 30341)
  • Mechanics I, David Richter (AME 20221)
  • Statics, David Richter (CE 20150)
  • Advanced Fluid Dynamics, David Richter (CE 40410)

College of Science 


  • Aquatic Ecology, Fr. Terrence Ehrman (BIOS 30420)


  • Elements of Calculus, Brian Mulholland (MATH 10250)
  • Calculus I, Kathryn Mulholland (MATH 10550)
  • Calculus III, Brian Mulholland (MATH 20550)
  • Stat Methods & Data Analysis I, Victoria Woodard (ACMS 30600)

College of Architecture 

  • After Urbanism, Philip Bess (ARCH 43310)

University Seminar

  • Soc Science University Seminar, Christina Bambrick (POLS 13181)
  • Mathematics University Seminar, Kathryn Mulholland (MATH 13187)
  • Literature University Seminar, Elizabeth Mazurek (CLAS 13186)
  • Honors Seminar, Susanna Monta (ALHN 13950)
  • Theology USEM, Anthony Pagliarini (THEO 13183)

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