Alexandra DeSanctis reports on Indiana’s upcoming vote on the Marriage Protection Amendment.
Alexandra DeSanctis investigates the social trends within the Catholic Church with regards to charitable giving, prompted by a new report on “Generosity Inside and Outside the Church,” by Drs. Christian Smith and Brian Starks.
Living in South Bend, it may not be immediately evident that the federal government has been shut down since October 1. But to 800,000 “non-essential” federal employees, the month of October has seen a few unpleasant changes brought on by the gridlock within the US Congress.
Alexandra DeSanctis, Staff Writer As the civil war in Syria rose once again to the center of the news cycle,…
Alexandra DeSanctis, Staff Writer Students gathered in the Oak Room at South Dining Hall and eagerly awaited the verdict on…
Alexandra DeSanctis, Staff Writer With the recent election cycles behind them, pro-life Notre Dame students face tremendous challenges in defending…
Alexandra DeSanctis, Staff Writer While intelligent, Notre Dame students are often criticized for being intellectually complacent and conservative; subsequently, they…