
Caleb Vaughan, '27

Campus Editor

Caleb Vaughan is a sophomore studying chemical and biomolecular engineering. He lives in the Morrissey Manor when he’s not at his manor in Orono, MN. He can be reached at cvaugha2@nd.edu

Notre Dame Expands Geothermal Presence

University adds sustainable energy wells, plants

Notre Dame Theology: Elite and Excellent

Professor highlights ranking, growth, orthodoxy

Catholic Culture Takes Center Stage at Annual dCEC Fall Conference

Scholars, artists, students gather to reflect on Catholic imagination

Worldwide “Aquinas at 800” Conference Comes to Campus

Speakers explore thought of medieval theologian and church doctor

ND Welcomes New Residence Hall, Six New Rectors

Students speak to Catholic culture 

de Nicola Center Hosts Conference on Benedict XVI

Speakers explore legacy, thought of late pope