
Joshua Gilchrist, '23

Executive Editor Emeritus

Joshua Gilchrist is a Senior in the Program of Liberal Studies with a supplementary major in Theology. When he’s not in the library or the PLS lounge, you can find him running around the lakes, mixing drinks, or enjoying a good conversation over a cigar. You can reach him at jgilchri@nd.edu.

Theology Professor’s New Book Addresses Decline in Reason

Lehner offers practical tips for improving life with philosophy

Provost Search Committee Commences Deliberations

Marie Lynn Miranda’s resignation prompts search process for new chief academic officer

Arts and Letters Departments Reduce Teaching Loads for Professors

Reductions Spark Conversation about Research, Teaching Quality

“For the Means of Grace, and for the Hope of Glory”

Ordinariate Bishop Steven J. Lopes visits Notre Dame

Alumni Association Launches LGBTQ Group

New affinity group affirms Alumni Association’s commitment to inclusion, diversity