
W. Joseph DeReuil, '24

Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, Opinion Editor Emeritus

W. Joseph DeReuil is a senior studying philosophy and classics. While at Notre Dame he has been involved with the dCEC, CCCG, SCOP, and many other organizations, in addition to writing for various non-Notre Dame publications including First Things, The American Conservative, and the National Catholic Register. His goals for senior year include graduating and successfully defending against a defamation law suit from a Notre Dame professor. He can be reached at wdereuil@nd.edu.

Notre Dame Law Professor Nominated for the Supreme Court

After the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Senate prepares to vote on the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett

Notre Dame Reacts to Racial Protests

Institutions within the University present their solutions to the past months of turmoil.