
Kathryn Bowers, '25

Religion Editor Emerita

Kathryn Bowers is a senior from Dallas, Texas majoring in the Program of Liberal Studies and theology. She enjoys walking/running on campus, reading, and listening to Catholic Youtubers. You can chat with her by emailing kbowers2@nd.edu.

Notre Dame Celebrates Jubilee Year of Hope

University promotes pilgrimages, ND Forum, indulgences

Lecture Series Explores “Saints and Their Miracles”

Fourteenth season of gameday tradition draws record crowds

What is the Notre Dame Hippocratic Society?

New student organization works to unite faith and medicine

Holy Cross Hosts Backpacking Pilgrimage

Students spend time in creation and prayer to discern

Basilica Tour Guide Ministry

Volunteers welcome visitors into the beauty of the Catholic faith at Notre Dame

Eucharistic Revival at Notre Dame

Students prepare for Eucharistic procession on April 23

Sacred Art and Representation

Contemporary iconographer speaks about his craft

Who’s Who at Notre Dame: Fr. Henry Stephan, O.P.

Priest and graduate student shares about study and vocation

Women Religious at Notre Dame

Sisters share their experiences