
Maggie Garnett, '22

Executive Editor Emeritus

Maggie Garnett is a junior from South Bend, Indiana studying Theology. Find her near the Sacred Heart statue on God Quad reading Evangelium Vitae, scream-singing Hamilton, drinking Pamplemousse La Croix, or doing all three at once. Write to her at mgarnet2@nd.edu.

Leggings, Solidarity, and Suffering

Holding our relationships to a higher standard

Related in Love

The human person as a relational being

Reboot, Reuse, Recycle

Hollywood’s fixation on remaking old favorites It. Ocean’s Eleven. Dumbo. Mamma Mia. The Incredibles. Mary Poppins. Gilmore Girls.  The Jungle…

Headphones On and Look Up, Child

Lauren Daigle brings the same soul and a slightly new sound to her latest album

Students embark on annual March for Life Pilgrimage

Community members march on, backed by science

You’re a Lonely One, Mr. Grinch

A remix with something more to offer.

Making room for women as women

The harmony of being pro-life and pro-woman

When the truth is hard to watch

Gosnell: America’s Biggest Serial Killer is a gruesome but important film

My Love, My Life

Motherhood and the pro-life message of Mamma Mia 2<\i>

Superheroes, Super Parents, and Super Families

A case for the nostalgic and family-centered Incredibles 2<\i>