
Nick Marr, '20

Executive Editor

Nick Marr is a senior from San Diego, CA. He studies history and political theory. As a 10 year old, he argued with a Supreme Court justice about who was a bigger Notre Dame fan. It was neither his first nor his last argument. He can be reached at nmarr@nd.edu.

The air we breathe

On Tim Carney’s Alienated America

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Image
SOGI policy at Notre Dame?

On the student body president-elect’s plan to pass new non-discrimination policy

Frederick Douglass, the Declaration, and the Problem of Injustice

Practicing the Truth of Equality The Tocqueville Program for Inquiry into Religion and Public Life and the Potenziani Minor in…

Politics isn’t everything

What really matters in life

Senator McCain’s Farewell Address

Emphasizing family and principle

Law School Hosts Authors on Thomas More, Law, and Conscience

The Trial of Sir Thomas More: The Historical, Legal, and Political Background; Student Discussion on Law and Conscience: A Reflection