
Zossima Project

Carol Time is Here

Why singing worshipful Christmas music matters

Reforming Your View of Indulgences

Revisiting Luther’s Earliest Heresy

A Grave Time for “Graven” Images

A Catholic theology of statues

“Boiling the Hell” Out of Holy Water

A look into one of our most automatic gestures

Holy Fasting in Great Lent

The history and meaning of a common lenten practice

Getting Good Reception

Tuning in to ancient and modern debates on the modes of receiving Communion

People Look East: Ad Orientem Liturgy

History, symbolism behind direction of worship

Lighting a Grotto Candle: What Does it Mean?

Stepping into the Church’s ancient history of votive offering

Why Do Catholics Make the Sign of the Cross?

The Theology Club’s Zossima Project examines why Catholics make the Sign of the Cross.