

Archdiocese of Washington Fights Assisted Suicide Bill

Mary Forr shares Department of Life Issue’s plan of action

March For Life: Be A Witness

Andrew Lynch discusses the trip to Washington, D.C. for the March for Life.

Family Matters: A National Problem in the Wake of National Tragedy

On September 16, 2013, our nation watched in horror as news of yet another mass shooting unfolded.

This time it occurred in a secure military facility in Washington, DC, at the Navy Yard. Now living in the DC area, I was glued to the radio for the minute-by-minute updates provided by local and national news. As the news came in I was seeing images of parts of Southeast DC, where I spend time on the weekends watching the Washington Nationals baseball team, whose stadium is mere walking distance from the Navy Yard. The nation’s collective mind, heart and prayers were with those in the throes of grief that morning.