

Communion Before Communion

Reflections on the Sign of Peace

NOVO Like a Champion Todays

The Rover makes recommendations for classes for the fall semester

Redemption and the Natural World

New lecture series addresses the connection between ecology and theology

Getting Good Reception

Tuning in to ancient and modern debates on the modes of receiving Communion

Illuminating the Past and Present

McGrath Institute for Church Life celebrates Saint John’s Bible

Saint Joseph: A Father Rich in Mercy

John Cavadini presents first game day lecture on his favorite saint

Know Your Catholic Faith

Theology department offers one-credit catechetical courses

A Hail Mary for the Core Curriculum

John Betz discusses the essential role of theology in a Catholic university’s curriculum

Theology and Debate: What is Theological Dialogue?

A look at the recent debate over Ross Douthat’s theological musings

Light and Clouds

John VanBerkum examines the roles of faith and reason in the life of a university student.