Exposing the “eugenics and racism” of the pro-choice movement
THE IRISH ROVER brings an exclusive interview with Ryan Bomberg, co-founder of the Radiance Foundation. Sponsored by the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture, he will speak on the disproportionate affect of abortion on the African American community in the United States on Friday, February 3.
How would you summarize the core values of the Radiance Foundation?
Every effort the Radiance Foundation engages in is predicated on the belief that we’re all created with Purpose. Every individual has undeniable and irreplaceable intrinsic value. Exploring individual purpose involves reaching out with compassion to those in need. Each TRF initiative acknowledges the beauty of racial diversity, while emphasizing the unity of our commonalities.
In our TooManyAborted.com campaign, we took a secular approach because we’re trying to put abortion in an historical and statistical context. Even when we strip the campaign of a religious perspective, the argument against abortion is irrefutable on an historical and scientific basis.
What led you and your wife to found the organization?
Bethany and I founded the Radiance Foundation nearly three years ago because of our compassion for others. All of our lives, we’ve been driven to reach out to others in need, especially those so easily discarded by society. Both of us have worked in the urban environment most of our adult lives, witnessing how beautiful possibility is extinguished every day due to abortion, poverty, fatherlessness, and destructive social policies. Our desire is to illuminate the truth about pressing social issues, in the context of God-given purpose. We have our broader media campaigns but we also work with individuals and have seen many lives transformed. We want to see people set free from lies that keep them from being who they’re meant to be.
Bethany and I know the transformational power of hope. Each of us had experienced radically life-changing experiences just a few years ago. These experiences were the result of embracing the belief in a God who deeply loves us and wants us to reach out, in the same way, to others in need.
Our organization is partly based on my own adoption story as well as my wife’s experience being a single mom. In fact, our organization is named after our first daughter because her life is a powerful reminder of how embracing the unplanned can bring healing and transformation. We have a number of direct community efforts, such as SallysLambs.org, our outreach to birth moms, and SHINE, our focus on those in the community that help others reach their potential.
How have your experiences shaped its mission and has your work at the Radiance Foundation in turn shaped you?
Bethany has spent over 10 years teaching in the classroom, coordinating educational programs and working with thousands of children, youth, and adults of all ages. Bethany’s experiences have led her to love and appreciate the uniqueness each individual holds. She’s a children’s book author, preparing to publish her first series this year.
What is your typical audience?
We reach, literally, anyone. We’ve spoken to hundreds of thousands over the past few years in events across the country. Our campaigns and live multi-media presentations have been reaching cross-cultural and cross-generational audiences. Because of the nature of the issues we address in the context of God-given purpose – abortion, adoption, pop culture, pluralism, racial reconciliation, civil rights, family – our audiences are diverse.
Can you elaborate on some of the important topics and slogan you address, like “self-control vs. remote control” and “diversity or division”?
Self-Control vs. Remote Control® focuses on character development. We address young audiences – junior high through high school students – with the crucial need to practice self-restraint and self-respect regarding many social pressures. Without that self-control, we illuminate how external circumstances will control them.
“Diversity or Division” is our interactive presentation on issues of race and reconciliation. We explore nonsense like “white guilt,” intra-racism, and ways we can bridge the emotional, historical, and societal divide. We emphasize the crucial nature of oneness instead of the self-segregating nature of hyphenating Americans.
Your website has a strong focus on adoption and states, “Sacrifice is at the heart of adoption.” How does your focus on adoption relate to your other pro-life work?
There is no authentic prolife worldview without the firm embrace of adoption as a powerful life-affirming alternative to abortion. I was adopted into a multi-racial family of fifteen. My 9 other adopted siblings and I tangibly disprove the myth of the “unwanted” child. I’m also an adoptive father who knows how powerfully adoption unleashes purpose. Every billboard campaign that we’ve launched, and will continue to launch, will focus on adoption as part of the solution to Life unplanned, especially transracial adoption. Our TooManyAborted.com campaign exposes Planned Parenthood’s propaganda about abortion and why they abort 392 children for every one woman they refer for adoption.
For Christians who hold to the theological viewpoint that we can all experience salvation; that gift is only possible through spiritual adoption. There is no salvation without it.
Adoption is a social justice issue, providing compassion, healing, and incredible possibility to both the child and the birth parent(s).
How does the Radiance Foundation collaborate with other organizations?
We strategically partner with like-minded organizations – pro-family, pro-life, pro-child – through our creative ad campaigns, powerful live multi-media presentations, and compassionate community outreach. It’s allowed us to place over 400 billboards, none of which have ever been removed, exposing Planned Parenthood, across the country. It’s enabled us to reach millions via massive media coverage and massively shared social media.
We’re very selective about whom we work with, vetting each group to make sure their principles align with ours. We work with individuals across the political spectrum and are not beholden to any party, donor, or association.
Collaboration is at the heart of what we do. Although we create all of the content released through the Radiance Foundation, we’re happy to join other life-affirming organizations in multi-branded efforts to help save beautiful possibility in our communities.
Can you discuss the subject of your presentation at Notre Dame and the TooManyAborted.com Campaign?
We are going to discuss the TooManyAborted.com campaign, which centers on the eugenics and racism of Planned Parenthood and the present day aftermath.
We were the first ones to launch an abortion awareness campaign focusing on the disproportionate impact in the black community. Abortions occur up to 5.8 times more in the black population than in the white population, according to federal and state statistics. In NYC, home of Planned Parenthood, 60 percent of black pregnancies end in abortion.
The half-a-billion-dollar-taxpayer-supported reproductive organization is a complete failure. This is part of what we expose. We explored the reasons [why] thoroughly, including healthcare disparities, poverty, and other commonly used justifications. Through our billboard/web initiatives, we’ve caused Planned Parenthood to hold two national conferences on how to combat our efforts. Planned Parenthood and its abortion allies have never been able to refute the history or the statistics, but instead have responded with ludicrous charges of “racism” and “misogyny.” Those who are pro-choice will always retreat to the emotional when it comes to numbers. We focus primarily on the evidential, while sharing the compelling emotional stories like my own that reinforce a prolife perspective.
Ryan Bomberger will speak this Friday, February 3, at 4:30 p.m. in the Geddes Hall Auditorium.
Contact Stephanie at shouse1@nd.edu.