Meadow Jackson, Staff Writer
The Cross, Our Only Hope: Daily Reflections in the Holy Cross Tradition. The title says it all. This book offers a meditation, based upon a quotation from the tradition of the Congregation of the Holy Cross (CSC), for each day of the year. Over two hundred Holy Cross religious contributed to this work by writing personal reflections on the meaning of the community’s traditions today.
“Through this book of daily reflections we seek to share our tradition so that others might grow closer to God through reflection and prayer with us,” the editors, Fathers Andrew Gawrych, CSC and Kevin Grove, CSC, wrote.
Among the contributors is Reverend James King, CSC, Director of Campus Ministry and religious superior of the Holy Cross priests and brothers at Notre Dame. He praises the book as his own daily prayer resource. “It turned out to be more of a mosaic of the congregation….[It] reflects people dedicated to a single mission as educators in the faith,” said Fr. King.
Fr. King refers to the congregation’s mission to share their ideals of faith, unity and Eucharistic fellowship throughout the world. The CSC’s website devotes a page to the charism of the community as educators: “We draw from our founder Blessed Basil Moreau’s trust in Divine Providence and confidence in the Cross as our only hope and zeal to make ‘God known, loved and served.’”
Dan Ponisciak, CSC, a seminarian and Notre Dame graduate, encouraged people to incorporate the book into their daily routine and to share it with others as well.
“This book is an invaluable prayer resource and provides meaningful and thoughtful daily meditations and reflections that enable the reader to simply rest in the presence of God,” Ponisciak said. “To be able to see through the eyes of these holy men who have encountered many blessings and challenges in their ministry allows us to see the face of Christ in the reflections they provide. I have already given it as a Christmas gift; my dad has read it every morning before going to work for the last two years.”
Andre House of Hospitality, a Holy Cross mission named after Saint Andre Bessette, CSC, serves the homeless in Phoenix, AZ. Father Eric Schimmel, CSC, the director of the mission, said in email to the Rover: “[The book] speaks to so many different parts of our faith and living it out in our daily lives. We often find connections to what we are doing here at Andre House, as well as in our personal lives.” Fr. Schimmel and Ponisciak worked together this summer at Andre House, where the entire staff affectionately referred to The Cross: Our Only Hopeas the Holy Cross “Book of Wisdom.”
Ave crux, spes unica. Hail the Cross, our only hope.
Meadow Jackson is a first year Gryffindor, intending to major in French and Defense Against the Dark Arts. If you hear of any trolls in the dungeon, email her at
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