In his lecture on vocational discernment at the 2017 Edith Stein Conference, Father Vince Huber, A.V.I., suggested Saint Francis De Sales’ Introduction to the Devout Life as one of the most valuable pieces of literature for growing in the spiritual life. For this reason, the Rover is offering this classic as our upcoming Free Read of the Week.
Written in the 17th century, this book is nevertheless a timeless masterpiece. In a series of short, inspirational chapters, each addressed as personal letters to Philothea (which means “lover of God” and refers to a figure intended to represent the reader), the saint and doctor of the Church offers extremely practical wisdom for practicing devotion in the context of any circumstances or state of life. “It is an error, or rather a heresy, to wish to banish the devout life from the regiment of soldiers, the mechanic’s shop, the court of princes, or the home of married people,” De Sales writes. “Wherever we may be, we can and should aspire to the perfect life.”
For a chance to win a free copy of this book, comment on our website or its corresponding Facebook post. We will announce the winner a week from today, on February 27.
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