What is dating like on Notre Dame’s campus? Is there an alternative to the hook-up culture? What is dating like in a 21st century environment? A recent lecture addressed these issues.
Grace Urankar gets students’ opinions on SYR’s. Some of the more interesting SYR traditions include Knott Hall’s Americana Dance which is held at the RV Hall of Fame in Elkhart, IN and Dillon Hall’s Stache Bash.
Notre Dame’s Campus Ministry hosted a panel discussion on October 8 entitled, “What Did He Just Say?! Pope Francis Unfiltered.” The discussion addressed the Pope’s recent interview, which was published in Jesuit magazines on September 19.
Few institutions of higher learning boast a residential system quite like Notre Dame’s. For instance, the stay-hall policy provides a unique sense of fierce loyalty among a randomly-determined community. Furthermore, rectors serve in capacities ranging from building manager to spiritual advisor and beyond. The Rover turned to these experienced individuals for more information on one of the most time-honored dorm traditions on campus: the SYR.
Grace Urankar, staff writer When does personhood begin? More significantly, how do our religious beliefs dictate the answer to this…
Grace Urankar, Staff Writer This fall break, I received a shock. My confrontation with new culture began on one of…
Saint Mary’s College hosted Scottish philosopher John Haldane for the 2012 McMahon Aquinas lecture, sponsored by the Edna and George…
Students walking across God Quad on August 20 chanced upon something quite dramatic. On the eve of Notre Dame’s first…
Notre Dame’s Project Fresh dance group joined forces with other campus clubs for the annual Project Fresh show last Saturday….
The Notre Dame Right to Life Club invited pro-life activist Kristan Hawkins on February 24 to address tactics for apologetic…