

An Interview with Dana Gioia

“I want a poetry that risks speaking to the fullness of our humanity, to our emotions as well as to…

The Column

Articulating on Architecture: Part I of Matthew Balkey’s Critical Commentary on the Architecture of Notre Dame At Notre Dame, we…

Orestes Brownson: A Catholic, American Political Philosopher

Dr. Peter Augustine Lawler, Dana Professor of Government at Berry College and author of numerous books, addressed the Notre Dame…

Hawai’i Club Lu’au Returns

The Hawai’i Club of Notre Dame presented their annual Lu’au 2010 at the Stepan Center, entitled “Na Mele O Na…

Former Lesbian Shares Story at Edith Stein Conference

Despite protest characterized by a “queer poetry” reading in the lobby of McKenna Hall, National Catholic Register columnist Melinda Selmys…