

Princeton professor discusses the original intent of the Establishment Clause

Don Drakeman, venture capitalist, lawyer, and professor at Princeton University, spoke about the original intent behind the US Constitution’s controversial…

Is marriage better for your wallet? A look at the economic evidence

Cultural and societal attitudes have recently shaped and modified the idea of the family to reflect a “modern” perception of…

Rising gas prices put economy’s growth in peril

Turmoil in the Middle East, the tsunami and earthquake in Japan, and increased domestic and global demand have pushed oil…

Professor discusses influences that shaped Lincoln’s worldview

Allen Guelzo, professor of history at Gettysburg College, spoke of the influence of the Enlightenment and capitalism on President Abraham…

Leo Strauss’ Ghost: University of Chicago professor sees influence on Bush administration

In the aftermath of the invasion of Iraq, a number of observers noticed that the Bush administration’s policies seemed to…

Bayh calls for “principled compromise” to move nation forward

Evan Bayh, former US senator and former Indiana governor, spoke about the importance of striking the proper balance between individual…

University of Florida professor explains why American Jews are liberal

Universally, there is no significant correlation between Judaism and liberalism.  In America, however, the same cannot be said.  On February…

German lawyer discusses state immunity lawsuit at International Court of Justice

The International Court of Justice later this year will hear a lawsuit filed by the Federal Republic of Germany against…

What Lies Ahead?

Republicans and Democrats set to face off over the budget, jobs, and health care After two years of Democratic control,…

Obamacare Unconstitutional?

Notre Dame Law Professors Weigh In The Obama administration suffered a setback last December, when US District Judge Henry Hudson…