
Campus Ministry

Twelve New Catholics Baptized at Easter Vigil

Neophytes and sponsors recount graces received at Easter Vigil

Fr. Mike Schmitz Visits Notre Dame

Popular podcasting priest lectures on Theology of the Body

The History of Coleman-Morse Adoration

Exploring Eucharistic devotion on campus

Observing Lent 2024 on Campus

The Rover’s comprehensive guide to all things Catholic this Lent

Students Attend SEEK Conference

Thousands of students inspired to live out the call to holiness

Campus Ministry Event Introduces Students to Catholicism

Understanding Catholicism invites curious students to learn about the Faith

Basilica Tour Guide Ministry

Volunteers welcome visitors into the beauty of the Catholic faith at Notre Dame

New Campus Group Fights Sexual Addiction

AsceND Accountability groups available for students

Bishop Barron Visits Notre Dame

Renowned Catholic thinker speaks on faith and the university

Campus Ministry Releases Synod Report

Report lists several areas of concern for the university going forward