
Donald Trump

Trumped Up: John Yoo on Charges Facing President

Acclaimed legal scholar offers insights on the barrage of lawsuits against Trump

Trump Defeats Haley in South Carolina

Former Governor humiliated in home state

Trump Wins in Iowa and New Hampshire

Former president sweeps early contests as he moves closer to GOP nomination

Notre Dame Forum Hosts Steven Levitsky

Harvard professor warns of “imminent danger” in potential second Trump presidency

Candidates Clash at Second Republican Debate

With Trump absent, other candidates trade barbs in unusual debate format

Presidential, VP debates shake the political world

The stark differences between pre-Trump and Trumpian politics were on full display

The Press and the President

Evaluating the Fourth Estate in the era of Trump

Ditching the notion of relative truth

Reaffirming the logic of absolute truths

Review of Get Me Roger Stone

Netflix Original Documentary on Infamous and Influential Political Insider

Gorsuch Confirmed to the Supreme Court

After invoking nuclear option, Senate confirms Gorsuch 54-45