

The Good, the Bad, and the Tasty

Student review of Duncan Student Center restaurants

Who’s Who at Notre Dame: John and Lila Ritschard

Meet Lila and John Ritschard—the dinnertime card-swiping, happy-birthday-singing joke-making duo of Notre Dame. While many students recognize them by sight, the story of how they met and wound up at Notre Dame is a bit less obvious.

Who’s Who at Notre Dame: John Zack

Maggie Duncan sits down to talk with John Zack, the Head Sacristan at the Basilica for the past nine years.

Who’s Who At Notre Dame: Len Gish

Maggie Duncan spends some time with Len Gish who has been part of the Notre Dame football family for an incredible 52 seasons.

Who’s Who At Notre Dame: The Housekeepers Of McGlinn Hall

Maggie Duncan sits down to meet some of the most appreciated people on campus, the House Keepers of McGlinn Hall, to talk about the Notre Dame Family.