
Father Hesburgh

God, Country, Conformity

“To that lovely Lady, raised high on a dome, a Golden Dome, men may look and find the answer.” – Fr. Edward Sorin

Hesburgh-Era Student Life Council Returns

Students express hope in future of revitalized forum

University Observes Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Student activism promotes holiday, leads to change in schedule

American Priest

Father Bill Miscamble uncovers the legacy of Father Ted Hesburgh

WVFI: The Voice of the Fighting Irish

The past and present life of Notre Dame’s only student-run radio station

Popes, Presidents, And Fr. Hesburgh: A Reflection

Fr. Bill Miscamble, CSC, reflects on the life of Fr. Hesburgh

Father Ted’s Last Days  

Fr. Ed. Krause, CSC, reflects on the life of Fr. Hesburgh

University Remembers Father Hesburgh’s Legacy

Notre Dame family pays respects after passing of former university president Father Theodore Hesburgh, CSC