
Irish Rover

Notre Dame’s Growing Endowment

The University of Notre Dame endowment returned 19.7 percent for the year ending June 30

Nanovic Symposium explores civic engagement

Scholars flock to Rome for symposium for Catholic universities

How Necessary Is Theology?

Notre Dame Forum explores role of theology as a part of Catholic education.

Prayer service addresses immigration reform

Event encourages a new attitude towards a controversial issue.

Walking with students: Rectors at Notre Dame

Rectors discuss their role in dorm life   The position of rector is one of the most important and influential…

Defending human dignity during Respect Life Week

Notre Dame Right to Life plans week of events.

A Notre Dame treasure

Historic Badin Bible returns to Notre Dame.

The interpolation of a theological and literary genre

Robin Kirkpatrick discusses the relationship between these disciplines.

Leading a Political Student Club at Notre Dame

Mark Gianfalla discusses his role as president of Notre Dame’s College Republicans.

Notre Dame’s ‘Frozen Five’

Suspended football players await decision.