
Notre Dame Right to Life

Right to Life Launches Pregnancy Resource Initiative

“Be Not Afraid” Project expands, streamlines support

Notre Dame Alumna to Become March for Life President

Jennie Bradley Lichter speaks with the Rover

Abortion on the Ballot

Students react to states’ abortion initiatives

Right to Life Hosts “You Are Loved Week”

 Week’s programming focuses on adoption topics

Notre Dame Elects New Student Body President

Dawson Kiser and Maeve Miller pledge support for Catholic identity

Students Attend Annual March for Life “Under Her Mantle”

Marian-themed pilgrimage marks second year of post-Roe march

Mean Girls: The Re-make! Strikes “Too Close to Home” for NDRtL

From the makers of the second Karate Kid, the latter two versions of A Star is Born, and all other ex-theatre kids who aren’t creative enough to come up with their own plots, comes the long-awaited remake of Mean Girls.

Notre Dame Attends “Fight Pharmaceutical Abortion” Rally

Students join national day of protest against medical abortion suppliers

Mass for Life

Notre Dame community prays together in DC for a culture of life

Notre Dame Students Attend March for Life in Washington D.C.

Annual tradition resumes for the first time since 2020