John Cochran, Humor Guru

FAITHND – What’s that you say? Catholicism, Notre Dame, interactivity, q&a’s, and a wealth of information all on one website on teh interwebz? If the preceding list appeals to you (of course it does, you’re reading the Rover!), check out

Sports Illustrated: Relax, everyone, Rick Reilly isn’t getting a cheer here.  Instead, the recent issue of SI that features the ND helmet on the cover contains in its centerpiece article an Irish Rover reference.  Pretty cool, eh?

Being uNDefeated: I realize this is an overplayed, spelling-based joke that you’ve seen on Facebook already, and I actually take pride in the fact that I didn’t create it, but it seemed appropriate here. Welcome to Miami. Bienvenido a Miami.

Voters: Voter turnout in 2012 was less than 2008.  Maybe people just didn’t think deciding the next US president was a big deal? And don’t get me started about the outcome…

Black Friday: While you were sleeping off a tryptophan coma (that amino acid is not why you get sleepy, by the way) Friday morning, all manner of shoppers, bargain hunters, and opportunists were converging on retail stores across America. And of course, by ‘converging’ I meant robbing, shooting, fighting, abandoning your own children, looting, mobbing, and nearly trampling others to death. All about the deals, baby.