Our Free Read this week is C.S. Lewis’ Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold.  Lewis’ last novel reimagines the myth of Cupid and Psyche from the perspective of Psyche’s disfigured and possessive older sister Orual.  After the pure and beautiful Psyche is given to Cupid, the god of the Mountain, Orual is consumed with jealousy.  She coerces her sister to look upon the god’s face, and Psyche is banished as punishment.  The novel traces Orual’s moral development and unveiling—literal and metaphorical—as she struggles to understand the seemingly inscrutable divine.  An tale of conversion, Till We Have Faces is considered by many, including Lewis himself, to be his finest novel.51s+tqDETlL._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_-1

“I saw well why the gods do not speak to us openly, nor let us answer … Why should they hear the babble that we think we mean? How can they meet us face to face till we have faces?”

For a chance to win a free copy of this book, comment on this page or its corresponding Facebook post.  We will announce the winner a week from today, on October 19.