Campus clubs for students seeking Catholic formation
Children of Mary
The Children of Mary is a community devoted to fostering a deep love for traditional Catholic liturgies, devotions, and fellowship. We do this primarily through celebrating Latin Masses, praying the rosary, and sharing some rather boisterous meals together, but also through occasional feast day celebrations and off-campus trips. Our club offers ND, SMC, and HCC students a unique opportunity to delve deeply into the patrimony of our faith, cultivate a strong and committed interior life, and develop lasting friendships. For more information, contact us at ー We’d love to have you join!
Iron Sharpens Iron
Iron Sharpens Iron is a student-led, interdenominational Christian fellowship group. We have praise and worship nights, small groups, potlucks, and much more! Our community welcomes all faith backgrounds, graduate students, and those attending Saint Mary’s and Holy Cross. Come to our fellowship nights on Thursday at 10 PM in the first-floor lounge of the Coleman-Morse Center to find out more and get plugged in. On Thursday, September 19 at 7 PM we will have a special event: the 2nd Annual ISI on South Quad, including outdoor worship and free grill food! You can reach us for questions at
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus are a Catholic fraternal organization dedicated to service and creating a brotherhood of Catholic gentlemen. From staffing volunteers at the Women’s Care Center to their infamous Game Day Steak Sales, the Knights are a force for good at Notre Dame and beyond. Drop by the Knights Building at the intersection of God Quad and South Quad to meet us and learn more about joining! Alternatively, email
Ladies of Columbus
The Ladies of Columbus, a sister organization to the Knights of Columbus, are a Catholic community of women focused on faith and service. During the fall semester, we bake cookies for Steak & Bake to sell in conjunction with the Knights’ Steak Sales. We donate the proceeds to Hannah’s House in South Bend, where we volunteer during the spring semester. We do all this while creating deep friendships through community in the Knights Building. If you’re looking to make friends that share a commitment to God and service, this is the club for you! Stop by the Knights’ Building or email us at for more info.
Militia Immaculata
The MI is a group of devout Catholics aiming to evangelize the love of Christ to all souls through the intercession of our Blessed Mother! We were started by St. Maximilian Kolbe, who understood the constant protection Our Lady gifts us, and who started this organization to bring all souls to their Mother’s mantle. We have regular Sunday meetings with prayer, fellowship, and wise guest speakers. We hold a retreat each semester, and also evangelize on campus by giving passersby miraculous medals, rosaries, and an opportunity to write down any prayer requests to be offered at the grotto. Please email to learn more. God bless!
Right To Life
Notre Dame Right to Life, the University’s largest non-academic student club, seeks to promote and uphold the sanctity of all human life from conception until natural death through prayer, service, and education, and to help women find alternatives to abortion, in the spirit of the Catholic Church. Learn more at their all-club meeting this Tuesday, September 17th, at 7pm in the LaFun Ballroom, and sign up for weekly emails here.
Sorin Fellows
The deNicola Center for Ethics and Culture’s Sorin Fellows program is a community of students inspired by the richness of the Catholic moral and intellectual tradition and committed to pursuing the integration of their social, intellectual, and spiritual values in the context of their collegiate experience and in the discernment of their vocations. They provide formation through unique extracurricular opportunities, Center-supported internships and research, and community events. Contact Pete Hlabse at or apply online.
Students for Child-Oriented Policy
“SCOP works to promote a society conducive to the well-being of children. We primarily focus our efforts in support of marriage, education, and adoption while we advocate against pornography and drugs.” SCOP’s members are often involved in inviting speakers, hosting social events, advocating for policy changes on campus, and developing meaningful relationships with faculty advisors. Reach out to them at
Theology Club
The Theology Club of Notre Dame is a group of students that meets weekly at South Dining Hall to break bread and talk about theology! Topics include apologetics, liturgy, Church history, virtues and vices, and everything in between. Join us for engaging, amusing, occasionally profound conversation every Tuesday at 6:15 PM. Look for the Christmas tree to find our table; non-majors, grad students, and SMC/HCC welcome. Email with questions.
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