As Benjamin Franklin, the sage and senior member of our constitutional convention, was leaving its final session, a woman called…
I am not sure when this concept of “faith seeking understanding” entered my life, but I can
testify that reflection on it has proved very fruitful.
Dear readers, it was worse than agnosticism. I was more than skeptical about the Irish Rover’s future. I was a…
In 1787 when the delegates to the Constitutional Convention completed their work and as they filed out of the building…
How a deep education can help overcome political division What has polarization to do with philosophy? Philosophy is, in the…
Professor Walter Nicgorski explores what virtue is as well as its major types
As was widely noted over the past year, what is sometimes called “the conservative movement” was strongly divided about Donald…
I recently took special notice of one of the museum cases in Notre Dame’s Basilica of the Sacred Heart. This…