
Faculty Column

Doubt Seeks Certainty, Faith Seeks Understanding

Faculty Contributor Fr. Terry Ehrman, CSC, examines the importance of faith

Aristotle’s Apple or Adam’s?

Professor Ryan Madison provides a fictional account of a conversation with a sceptic

Learning from Innocence

Professor of Economics Kirk Doran advises about the challenges and joys of raising a family

Notre Dame and the Counter-Culture

Examining the true counter-culture

A Hail Mary for the Core Curriculum

John Betz discusses the essential role of theology in a Catholic university’s curriculum

New Challenges to Religious Liberty

Editor’s Note: The following essay is an excerpt adapted from the annual William E. and Carol G. Simon Lecture on…

Dreaming Too Small

Professor Patrick Deneen on the core curriculum

A Misguided Effort

Professor Henry Weinfield on the core curriculum

An Immodest Proposal

Professor Martijn Cremers on the core curriculum