

Hamlet: Princess of Denmark?

Not-So-Royal Shakespeare Company recasts multiple Shakespeare plays

Cars 2: The (Car) Empire Strikes Back

Critique of Liberalism in Pixar Original Gives Way to Embrace of Internationalism in Sequel

Winter Culture Collection

Rover masthead highlights favorites from Winter break.

Dr. Liz Lev Lectures on the Sistine Chapel

Famed art historian gives keynote lecture at Fall Conference

Event Defines ‘Adult, Human, Female’

Theology on Tap hosts Dr. Marc Barnes

The Rover Reviews: All Quiet on the Western Front

 20th Century Horrors Meet 21st Century Cinematics

Keeping du Lac

Investigating the university’s approach to sexual conduct

Who’s Who at Notre Dame: Anne Tharp and Alec DeCocker

A conversation with two Notre Dame groundskeepers


Baptizing a musical

The Suppliants Project: Ukraine Comes to Notre Dame

Award-winning actors present a live dramatic reading of Aeschylus’ play