
Campus Ministry

Notre Dame DEI Practices Draw National Criticism

Female, minority hiring now “equally important” to Catholicism

Faith Resources Vary at Study Abroad Locations

Students, administrators review opportunities for spiritual growth

Hallow Founders Speak at Notre Dame

Students react positively to alumni-established prayer app

Campus Ministry Holds Presidential Election Events

Series includes bipartisan discussions, lectures, debates

“Feed Your Faith” Event Kicks off the Year for Campus Ministry

 Attendees highlight RCIA program, faith-based clubs

Twelve New Catholics Baptized at Easter Vigil

Neophytes and sponsors recount graces received at Easter Vigil

Fr. Mike Schmitz Visits Notre Dame

Popular podcasting priest lectures on Theology of the Body

The History of Coleman-Morse Adoration

Exploring Eucharistic devotion on campus

Observing Lent 2024 on Campus

The Rover’s comprehensive guide to all things Catholic this Lent

Students Attend SEEK Conference

Thousands of students inspired to live out the call to holiness