

A Prudent Decision, and the Road Ahead

Anniversary of Notre Dame’s decision to reopen

Speaker attacks Jenkins’ murals decision

The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles defends Columbus as “hero”

Panel of Notre Dame professors defend “abortion rights”

Gender Studies Department and Irish 4 Reproductive Health fear a reversal of Roe

I stand with Father Jenkins

Student defends University’s decision to cover controversial Columbus murals.

Notre Dame enables pornography usage

The University should bear witness to the truth

Students React to Pence Speaking at Graduation

Mix of satisfaction, disappointment

Father Jenkins Talks Faith and Politics

University president speaks at ND Votes’ Pizza, Pop, and Politics event

New School for Global Affairs Intended to Boost Notre Dame’s Catholic Mission

University Provost Thomas G. Burish: “A new School of International [Global] Affairs is one way through which our global aspirations could be advanced, as they have at many other top research universities.”

Notre Dame Condemns Boycott of Israel

Rebecca Self reports on the American Studies Association’s decision to boycott collaboration on academic endeavors with any institutes of higher education in Israel.