
Knights of Columbus

St. Joseph’s Day On Campus

Congregation of Holy Cross and Knights of Columbus Celebrate Important Solemnity

Knights of Columbus, Catholic Men of Service

An inside look a the world’s oldest and largest KofC college council

Knights of Columbus Host Debate

Candidates for Student Body President Gather at Knights of Columbus Debate

The Knights of Columbus

We are more than hats and swords

Finding Catholic Community at Notre Dame

Campus clubs for students seeking Catholic formation

The Cult of Columbus

Why did we start venerating him anyway? Most of the furious debate over the Columbus murals revolves around one question:…

St. John Vianney’s Heart visits the Basilica of the Sacred Heart

Knights of Columbus guard the incorrupt heart of a saint

Ladies of Columbus

Women’s group encourages Catholic friendship

Sons of Bill At Notre Dame

Virginia Rock takes on South Bend

The Rover Recommends: Parish Priest

The life and times of the Knights of Columbus founder