
Knights of Columbus

The Rover Recommends: Parish Priest

The life and times of the Knights of Columbus founder

A Community of Love

Embracing, not evading, vulnerability

From South Quad to the Citrus Bowl

After record breaking regular season, Knights of Columbus take steak sales on the road

A Farewell to Father Jarrod Waugh, C.S.C.

Associate Vocations Director, Knights Chaplain, to depart for King’s College

Super Tuesday results watch brings clubs together

Bipartisan event draws students with diverse political perspectives

Knights of Columbus: A Tradition of Philanthropy

Notre Dame’s Knights of Columbus Council hosts dinner to support Christian refugees

Forget Batman, These Guys Are True Knights

Colin Devine explains the importance of the Knights of Columbus.

Confessions of a(n Accidental) Club President

Tim Kirchoff reflects on his various leadership roles throughout his time at Notre Dame, including his time as president of Rodzinka and as Deputy Grand Knight.