
ND Irish Rover

Confronting Theodicy

The Notre Dame Department of Philosophy presents its second conference to confront the widely debated question: “If God is good and powerful, why does evil exist?”

What Is Marriage?

Prominent scholars discuss the definition of marriage and its importance to society.

Permission to Laugh: Midterms

Declan Feeley gives insight to the average student’s mentality during midterms week.

Town Hall-goers Tackle Tough Topics

The Notre Dame administration answered questions about the Campus Crossroads project and HHS mandate in an undergraduate town hall meeting.

Cheers and Jeers

Meadow Jackson has some cheers and jeers about Spring Break.

The Pope Francis Challenge

The 2014 Morrissey Forum explored Pope Francis’ challenge to Notre Dame to uphold the Catholic faith through missionary discipleship.

Notre Dame’s Catholicism At A Crossroads

Fr. Miscamble and Fr. Barron discussed the challenges of maintaining a Catholic university in higher education.

Dialoguing on Diversity

“Show Some Skin” portrays students’ stories.

Coulter’s Controversial Campus Visit

Notre Dame College Republicans have invited the controversial Ann Coulter to speak at the Club’s annual Lincoln Day Dinner.

Art Show Explores Faith In Immigration

Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture presents “INMigration: Beyond Borders, A Visual Journey,” artwork inspired by Latino migration.