
right to life

Right to Life Hosts “You Are Loved Week”

 Week’s programming focuses on adoption topics

Pro-Life Posters Missing, Vandalized

Right to Life Club faces persistent problem of disappearing posters

ND Right to Life Trip Canceled Due to COVID-19

Club plans on-campus Day for Life as replacement

Notre Dame Right to Life Hosts Respect Life Week

Focuses on life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness

Authentic Love, Authentic Freedom

Previewing Respect Life Week

Health department panel denies South Bend abortion clinic license

An appeals panel voted 2-1 against the licensing of a potential South Bend abortion clinic on November 28th.

A Person’s a Person

Inconsistent Treatment of the Unborn in the Law

Making room for women as women

The harmony of being pro-life and pro-woman

A Person’s a Person, No Matter How Small

The need for protection of the natural right to life

From the White House to the National Mall

Three student stories from the March for Life