There Be Dragons – Every once in a while a movie comes out that isn’t garbage. Director Roland Joffé (The Mission) and The Killing Fields) created the most recent one that fits this description. There Be Dragons is an epic film portraying forgiveness and redemption amidst the strife of the Spanish Civil War. A present-day Spanish journalist trying to mend his relationship with his dying father, who was in the Civil War, soon discovers his father’s deep friendship with a modern-day saint, Josemaría Escrivá. Through the film, viewers not only discover St. Josemaría’s simplicity and sanctification of daily work but also what it means to confront the “dragons” or obstacles in life. You know it’s a good movie when Joffé, himself an agnostic, simply says There Be Dragons is a film about everything it is to be human and how to be a saint today in your life. The movie premiers May 6, 2011, as a limited release. For tickets visit: or contact me at
Easter in the Bend – My first Easter in the Bend was a fantastic one. I spent it participating will full heart and voice in the Basilica liturgies. It began with me beating the pew on Holy Thursday as we simulated the scriptural earthquake during Tenebrae. Then I was a little late to the Good Friday service so I didn’t get a seat, but I feel like it would kind have been contradictory to complain considering. The Saturday Vigil was, of course, the highlight. Walking into the finely decorated Basilica can only be compared to walking into the theoretical flower shop in heaven tended to by Mary herself. Oh, and the Liturgical Choir…. “Alleluia” has never rolled off the tongue so superbly. But I think the gentleman I brushed past as I was departing heaven on Earth said it all as he hugged his friend: “WE WON!” Where, oh death, is now your sting?
Seniors – After four long years you’ve made it. Very few people can survive four South Bend winters, 8 finals weeks, and more recent Notre Dame football teams, but you have. Congratulations, and in the words of Rocket Ismail, “Go Get It,” whatever “it” might be.
Internet Relationships – The new thing in technology is the internet-only relationship, that usually begins through websites that match people on key compatibility factors like favorite sock color and sleep number bed firmness setting. I’ve heard they’re great because you can be whoever you want to be. Janna St. James of Batavia, Illinois was just being who she wanted to be when she pretended to be a Colorado fireman named Jesse James. She was such a good online fireman that Paula Bonhomme of California was prepared to leave her estranged husband to be with Jesse James. It was looking great, but as Bonhomme was set to leave for Colorado James suddenly died of liver cancer. Well that was the end of that until Bonhomme finally realized how dumb she was for never actually deciding to meet Jesse James in person. See the Chicago Tribune for more details.
That thing – No, it’s not two tickets to that thing you love. That thing isn’t tangible. It’s what causes you to procrastinate. It’s what causes you to forget someone’s name right after you’ve met them. It’s why there’s that fire alarm before your 8 am exam. It’s why you check your email every five minutes. It’s the real reason your bookstore team lost. That thing explains why the trees didn’t blossom this spring. It explains why you have your 9:35 class notebook instead of your 8:30 class notebook. That thing is why your friend can crank papers like a printing press and you can’t. That thing is why you’re still reading this jeer. What is that thing? I don’t have a clue, but I hate it.
Useless things – I won’t be able to get through all of them but here’s just a few of the most useless things ever. Jeans pre-ripped from the store – I can do that myself thank you. Pennies – Sorry, Abe. The Segway – Think Paul Blart Mall Cop. Trading cards – Pokemon. The Hummer – I don’t need a humvee on the highway. Self-help books – 400 pages of reading is not motivating. The poncho – you’ll be wet and in a garbage bag. The paperweight – Why make them when anything can be one? Beanie Babies – Make some real friends. Peeps – Easter is about Jesus not chickens. Sesame Seeds – If they were gone would you miss them? Mayonnaise – Shaving cream for your sandwich. Wide-ruled notebooks – Just because. The automatic hand dryer – Press button receive bacon.
Allergies – Just went winter decided to go away you thought you were in the clear….Hatchoo…. Okay so maybe you don’t end up looking like Will Smith in the movie Hitch, but allergies are still no fun. I always denied I had allergies, but then one baseball season I couldn’t stand it anymore so I got tested. Apparently, I’m allergic to 5 types of grasses and just about every tree except the bonsai. Essentially, unless I go to Antarctica I’m allergic to being outside during the spring. Hopefully, you don’t have allergies.