Fall 2022 course recommendations from the Rover
The following courses are recommended on the basis of the professor’s demonstrated commitment to Catholic education and the positive experiences of the Rover staff. This is by no means a complete list of every excellent class offered in the upcoming fall semester, but we hope that this will provide readers with a starting point as they prepare to register for classes.
Mendoza College of Business
- Jeffrey Burks: “Work and the Interior Life” (BAUG 33100)
- Klaas Cremers and Craig Iffland: “Corporate Governance and Catholic Social Teaching” (FIN 40470, THEO 40641)
- Laura Hollis: “Introduction to Entrepreneurship” (MGTO 30500), “Management Competencies” (MGTO 30200)
- James Otteson: “Deloitte International Business Scholars Colloquium” (BES 33700, EURO 33702)
College of Engineering
- David Richter: “Mechanics I” (AME 20221-02), “Statics” (CE 20150-02)
- Michael Seelinger: “Engineering Design” (EG 10117-03, 10117-04)
College of Science
- Father Terry Ehrman, C.S.C: “Aquatic Ecology” (BIOS 30420)
First Year of Studies
- Father Chris Rehagen, C.S.C.: “Moreau First Year Experience” (FYS10101-72)
College of Arts and Letters
- Father Aaron Michka, C.S.C.: “Introduction to Anthropology” (ANTH 10109-02), “Religion, Myth, and Magic” (ANTH 30330)
- Elizabeth Mazurek: “Poetry and Empire” (CLLA 30030)
- Tadeusz Mazurek: “Ancient Greece and Rome” (CLAS 10100), “Latin Letters” (CLLA 30039, MI 20609)
- Hildegund Muller: “Intro to Early Christian texts” (CLLA 60016)
College Seminar
- David O’Connor: “The Roots of the Ring” (CSEM 23101-05, 23101-06)
Constitutional Studies
- Patrick Deneen: “Classical & Christian Constitutionalism” (CNST 30700)
- Kirk Doran: “Principles of Microeconomics” (ECON 10010-05, 10010-06, 20010-05, 20010-06, HESB 20002)
Education, Schooling, and Society
- John Schoenig: “Education Law and Policy” (ESS 30605, CNST 30405, POLS 30154, HESB 30568)
- Susannah Monta: “Literature University Seminar” (ENGL 10186-09)
- Brad Gregory: “Christianity, Commerce, and Consumerism” (HIST 20390, 30390)
- Father Bill Miscamble, C.S.C.: “History University Seminar” (HIST 13184-03), “US Foreign Policy in the Cold War” (HIST 30805)
- David Cory: “Philosophy University Seminar” (PHIL 13185-05, 13185-06)
- David Cory: “Augustine’s Confessions” (PHIL 20206)
- Therese Cory: “Ancient & Medieval Philosophy” (PHIL 30301, MI 30301)
- Sean Kelsey: “Honors Philosophy Seminar” (PHIL 13195-02)
- Sean Kelsey: “Gateway Seminar” (PHIL 30304-01)
- Mary Keys and Paul Weithman: “Justice Seminar” (PHIL 43404, POLS 43640, ECON 33250)
- Nicholas Teh: “Philosophy of Statistics” (PHIL 43702)
Political Science
- Luke Foster: “Constitutional Law & Politics II” (POLS 30665)
- Dan Philpott: “Catholicism and Politics” (POLS 30654, HESB 30261, CNST 30215, THEO 40627)
- Christian Smith: “Research on American Cultural Change and Secularization” (SOC 40966)
- Gary Anderson: “Honors Foundations of Theology: Biblical/Historical” (THEO 13002-01)
- John Cavadini: “Christian Theological Tradition I” (THEO 40201, MI 40411)
- Father Terrence Ehrman, C.S.C.: “Science, Theology, and Creation” (THEO 20888, STV 20888, SUS 20888)
- Jennifer Grillo: “Foundations of Theology: Biblical/Historical” (THEO 10001-02)
- Father Kevin Grove, C.S.C.: “Foundations of Theology: Biblical/Historical” (THEO 10001-04, 10001-07)
- William Mattison: “Faith and Human Flourishing” (THEO 20680)
- Tim O’Malley: “Nuptial Mystery” (THEO 20425)
- Cyril O’Regan: “The Theology of Benedict XVI” (THEO 40850)
- Anthony Pagliarini: “Foundations of Theology: Biblical/Historical” (THEO 10001-01)
- Anthony Pagliarini: “Theology of Hebrews” (THEO 401330)