

Advice for Graduating Seniors

As the school year comes to a close, and those of you who are seniors prepare to graduate and move on to the next phase of your lives, I wanted to share a few pieces of advice to assist you with your ongoing transition to adulthood and independence. Some of my recommendations may seem a bit counterintuitive, but I hope you’ll consider them nevertheless.

Dear Brenston

Our local advice dog returns for his regular help column

Dear Brenston

The Rover kicks off a new regular advice column with an unusual author

How to Show the World that Yes, You are a Freshman

Humor Guru Declan Feeley examine the best ways to show off your freshman status.

Freshman Roommates: A Guide To

Humor Guru Declan Feeley gives insight into the myriad types of roommates.

How to Handle Summer (Frosted Tips are Not the Answer)

Humor guru Declan Feeley offers summer advice.

Essential Advice for the Class of 2019

A few important tips on how (or how not to) approach your first weeks at Notre Dame