
Catholic identity

Teach Me the Truth

Why all students must care about ND’s health care change

Notre Dame, Then and Now

A conversation with Dean Kevin O’Rear

The Catholic Ideal and Action: A United Mission

Sophia Buono discusses the challenge of integrating Notre Dame’s Catholic mission into all aspects of Notre Dame.

Diversity and the University’s Catholic Identity

A look at Notre Dame’s efforts to increase diversity

Students React to Laetare Medal Decision

Debate over consistency with university’s Catholic identity

The Truth About Catholic Education

Rev. Bechina speaks on pursuit of truth and academic freedom

Thanks for the Memories

Tim Bradley’s last editorial as Editor-in-Chief

Never Abandon Our Lady

Alexandra DeSanctis reflects on her time at Notre Dame and the intrinsic Catholic nature of the University.

The Place for Faith: Catholicism in the Liberal Arts

Lilia Draime on the decline in numbers of Catholic faculty at Notre Dame

Questionable Decisions: A Catholic University?

John VanBerkum investigates Notre Dame’s recent decisions in light of its mission as a Catholic university.