

Letter to the (Humor) Editor

If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself

Take Courage

Quote: “In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world” (John 16:33)

A Community of Love

Embracing, not evading, vulnerability

Even Unto Death: Embracing the Love of the Cross

Molly Weiner previews the themes of the upcoming Edith Stein Conference

Edith Stein Project Hosts Sarah Swafford as Keynote

Speaker and author explains how striving for virtue can cut the drama out of relationships

Learning from Innocence

Professor of Economics Kirk Doran advises about the challenges and joys of raising a family

Free Love: The Liberating Power of Charity

The call to genuine freedom and love at the 2016 Edith Stein Project Conference

Daring Hearts: Finding the Truth about Love and Marriage

Sophia Buono reflects on our understanding of love and marriage in light of culture and the Church

A Harsh and Dreadful Thing

Stephanie Reuter muses on the danger of illusions and the idolization of love

We Are Called To Love Anyway

Kate Arndorfer reflects on Mark 12:31