A November 10th article printed in the Irish Rover reported on the Unversity’s plan to demolish University Village, the subsidized housing provided for students and their families, without any plans of replacement.
The state of the University’s plans has been updated: on the site for the petition to save the Village, hosted on change.org, a January 19th post reported two things.
Firstly, according to an email sent to the Village residents from the Notre Dame administration, a replacement for the Village is being planned on Cripe Street, just north of the Village’s current location. The replacement village will, according to the email, be “construct[ed] and operate[d]” by a third party, and the reported rent for the apartments will “not exceed $850”. (A notable price increase from the current price of around $500 per month).
Secondly, Notre Dame is “providing a $400/month subsidy” to all Village residents for the coming year, while the transition is going on between the current Village and the replacement.
The University did not directly provide an explanation for the seeming change in plans, though the email noted, “We are grateful for the feedback that has been shared by members of the University Village/Cripe Street community regarding hopes and needs for a Notre Dame Related Property conducive for families.”
James Rahner is a junior philosophy major living in Duncan Hall. He wants to create a compendium of little known spots and secrets around campus. To help him with this, you can email him at jrahner@nd.edu.
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