

Campus Ministry scores again

Terry Nelson-Johnson delivered a presentation entitled “Sexuality and Catholicism: Really?” on February 8. Held in the Coleman-Morse lounge and co-sponsored…

“Mary’s university should not surrender to the culture”

National Review editor speaks on modern media, faith, and public life Opinion journalist Kathryn Jean Lopez is former editor and…

How should Notre Dame respond to the HHS mandate?

As I understand it, the accommodation makes no provision for an institution such as Notre Dame, which self-insures, so even…

“The great civil rights movement of our time”: March for Life 2012

This past weekend, the University of Notre Dame sent a total of 8 buses on the March for Life to…

ROVER exclusive: Interview with Ryan Bomberger

Exposing the “eugenics and racism” of the pro-choice movement THE IRISH ROVER brings an exclusive interview with Ryan Bomberg, co-founder…

Professor leaves Georgetown for Notre Dame

Georgetown University Government Professor Patrick Deneen recently announced his decision to resign from his position at Georgetown to join Notre…

Campus Ministry holds Christian unity prayer service

On Thursday evening, January 26, an interdenominational  service for Christian unity was held in the Keenan-Stanford chapel. Fr. Paul Doyle,…

Heal. Unify. Enlighten.

New banners decorate campus “Heal. Unify. Enlighten.” This fall, a new set of posters and banners bearing these words were…

University confirms United Way meets charitable giving requirements

The university recently defended its yearlong campaign to raise $300,000 for United Way, a non-profit organization which sponsors initiatives that…

Students, departments reflect on role of grad student teachers

Undergraduate complaints about graduate students’ teaching and grading are common.  These courses are sometimes regarded as inferior to courses taught…