

Welcoming the Stranger in our Midst?

Notre Dame expressed its change in policy towards undocumented students that amplified the conversation about immigration among students and faculty in a statement on August 22, 2013. This change has been met with mixed reviews amongst the student body.

Created for More: Campus Ministry Tackles “The Lost Art of Dating”

What is dating like on Notre Dame’s campus? Is there an alternative to the hook-up culture? What is dating like in a 21st century environment? A recent lecture addressed these issues.

All the World’s a Stage, but these Players Come to Notre Dame

The Actors from the London Stage have a special relationship with the University of Notre Dame, as the university serves as the American base for the acting group and is even responsible “for booking their tours, their flights, and the whole of their work in the U.S.”

And We Danced All Night To The Best Song Ever

While fighting the terrifying issue of abortion is an important part of being pro-life, the movement espouses a much broader message: to honor the simple beauty and importance of all human life as a gift from God.

Honoring the Foundational Vision

The University recently celebrated the 200th anniversary of Fr. Sorin’s birthday. It was an opportunity reflect on the great mission and vision that he set forth for the University.

One Nation Under God: Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address

An Irish Rover report of a recent Professors for Lunch talk given by Michael Zuckert on “Providentialism and Politics: On Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address”.

Church Leaders Discuss Science and Human Dignity

The Institute for Church Life welcomed an array of Church leaders to campus this past weekend for the “Pastoral Issues in Science and Human Dignity” conference. Professor John Cavadini, Director of the Institute for Church Life and consultant member of the USCCB Committee on Doctrine, organized and funded the conference, which was co-sponsored by the Institute for Church Life and the USCCB Committee on Doctrine.

The Value of a Catholic Education

The University of Notre Dame has an important mission in the future of Catholic education, and through the Echo and Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) programs, it is affecting great positive change.

Defining Marriage in the Hoosier State: Indiana Senate Passes Marriage Protection Amendment

While the Indiana Senate recently passed the controversial Marriage Protection Amendment—or HJR-3—on February 17, there is still some controversy from both sides. Some are disappointed that the stronger version of the amendment was not included, while some are disappointed that the amendment passed at all.

New School for Global Affairs Intended to Boost Notre Dame’s Catholic Mission

University Provost Thomas G. Burish: “A new School of International [Global] Affairs is one way through which our global aspirations could be advanced, as they have at many other top research universities.”