
Pillar of Thought

Skipping Out on Education

Alexandra DeSanctis on the need for students to care about their education and the core curriculum

Love, Actually

Charlie Ducey reflects on the 2016 Edith Stein Project

For the love of engineering

Erin Thomassen disputes misconceptions about studying engineering

A Prayer to Help with Finals

John VanBerkum shares a finals story about St. Joseph of Cupertino’s intercession

The Stories that Make Up Our World

Crystal Avila tells the story of how she came to study film

Into the Morning

Michael Infantine reflects on the beauty of mornings

Holy Humor

Hailey Vrdolyak muses on humility, humor, and holiness

Healing the Body, Healing the Soul

Shaun Evans reflects on a fall break trip to André House in light of the spiritual and corporal works of mercy

A Harsh and Dreadful Thing

Stephanie Reuter muses on the danger of illusions and the idolization of love

A House Divided

Becca Self reflects on Pope Francis’ reputation and Catholics’ reactions.