Declan Feeley has some shocking news about Notre Dame’s dorms.
Daphne Reynolds reports on Notre Dame’s most notHAble improvisational comedy group, the Humor Artists, and their recent performance “No SHAve November”.
Colin Devine’s apprentice in humor, Declan Feeley, asks a serious question: where the coffee at?
Colin Devine, humor guru, gives us Cheers and Jeers — a humorous account of things Colin likes and things he doesn’t like.
Colin Devine, Humor Guru Extraordinaire, gives his readers something to laugh about… and puzzle over in this weeks edition of the Rover.
Wondering what to eat in the dining hall? Read on.
If it tastes good, then you probably shouldn’t eat it. Growing up in Los Angeles next to the movie stars and models, everyone ascribed to this basic mantra. You might think that this craze would only affect the fairer and far more delightful female sex. Unfortunately, you would be ruminating incorrectly.
My manly nature did not save me in the slightest from blindly following each health craze that cropped up in my beloved City of Health Nuts.