
Irish Rover Notre Dame

Bishops address “Protection of Minors in the Church”

Pope Francis and 100 bishops meet in Rome

Speaker attacks Jenkins’ murals decision

The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles defends Columbus as “hero”

Related in Love

The human person as a relational being

Boat Stratification

Allegations that some early ticket purchasers were tipped off ahead of time continue to circulate.

Taco Bell announces new slogan: “Nobody has ever died after eating Taco Bell”

CEO Brian Niccol made on Tuesday the latest announcement in a rebranding campaign

Headphones On: Greta Van Fleet, From The Fires

This band is much more than a Led Zeppelin redux

Thoughts and Prayers

The critics of “thoughts and prayers” can achieve their goals without devaluing faith, and, even more basically than that, without devaluing a gift that someone is offering.